"Give me a break. another awareness day for what? We already have too many of them from Green earth day, human rights day, women's day, and what not. I got plenty of things to do and barely have money to get a pedicure for myself." Besides, I am still saving up money for Valentine's Day for my sweat-heart."
That's fine. But, there are other ways you can get involved to raise the awareness for human trafficking victims on January 11th, next Tuesday, aside from spending your precious nickels and dimes away in this economy. Trust me. when it comes down to being cheap, I am right there with ya.
So, here are somethings you can do for human trafficking victims for no or a little cost.
1. Donate your clothes, shoes, toys, etc. to anti-human trafficking organizations:
Shoe Revolt: This organization is looking for people who will donate their gently used shoes for human trafficking victims. All profits will go towards building shelters and assistant programs for trafficking victims in the U.S. GEMS is one of the organizations that ShoeRevolt works with.
Courtney's House: This D.C. based organization works with children who are sexually exploited in commercial sex industry. D.C. is cold place to be in January. The organization needs plenty of winter coats and other supplies to assist child victims. To name a few of Courtney's house needs:
- New or gently used winter coats, woman's sizes M-XL
- Winter boots woman's sizes 6-10, man's sizes 7-12
- Winter hats
- Gloves
- Tights
- Hand/foot warmers
- Pots & pans
- Toaster oven
- Plates (no glass)
- Plastic bowls
- Cups (no glass)
- Measuring cups
- Cutting board
- knives
- Apron (10)
- Baking dish
- Spatula
- Kitchen towels & oven mits
- Iron
- Green cleaning supplies
- Energy efficient light bulb
- Hangers (plastic)
- Laundry detergent (green)
- First aid kit (2)
- Toilet paper
- Curling Irons (6)
- Flat Irons (6)
- Blow Dryers (6)
- Floor Lamps (2)
- Paper towels
- Napkins
- Reusable shopping bags
- Dish detergent
- Gallon pitcher (2)
- Plastic bins (10)
- Plastic cereal containers (3)
- Toiletries including hair products for African American Hair
To find more information about donation needs, visit Courtney's House.
2. Have a little get together with friends to raise the awareness:
If you are a social butterfly who enjoys having get together with friends, you can invite your friends and colleagues to raise the awareness of human trafficking. You can order a short video clip and brochure from RCMP, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, for free. Though the contents of the video is primarily focused on human trafficking in Canada, it nicely elaborates the general details of what human trafficking is and what is not which can be applicable to many places around the world.
3. Bake Sale
Do you love baking? This is the perfect time to bake for trafficking victims. If you are working, you can bake it the night before and take that big fat batch of cookies and muffins with ya to your work. I am sure that not everyone in your office is detoxing after holidays. And make sure that you take a little donation jar that says "Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Bake for Trafficking Victims" or something along those lines. That way, people will know what you are up to other than fattening them up for no reason. But, if you are a stay at home mom, you can always send it with your husband with a donation jar.
You might say, "well, it's only going to be $1 or so even if I bake like a mad woman the night before. But, consider that every nickels and dimes count. In fact, with $1, you can provide daily meals to a child who is vulnerable to human trafficking in many poor countries. In Nepal, for instance, if you have $32 to buy a goat or piglet, you can save a girl from being sold for sexual and labor exploitation for life.
So what do you think? Do you think you can join the fight next Tuesday?
Loved this post! I am hunting for some interesting ways to help fight global human trafficking for my upcoming book and stumbled upon your blog. Thank you!